Clubs and Activities
MUSIC: The Mistletoe Bulldog Music Program exists to expand the minds, talents, and experiences of Mistletoe’s students. We seek to cultivate, educate, and nurture the creativity of our students through performance excellence, musical literacy, music history, and exposure to a wide variety of musical styles and genres. We offer K-5 weekly music appreciation classes, 4/5 choir, 5th gr. band, 6-8 Show Choir, 6-8 Band, and 6-8 Mistletones (advanced choir)
VISUAL ARTS ELECTIVE CLASS (Grades 6-8): The purpose of this class is to provide students with the opportunity to make connections through personal expression between visual arts, other disciplines, and daily life. Students will understand and apply elements (line, color, shape, form, texture) and principles of art through a variety of media and techniques. Students will make the connection that math, writing, reading, and critical stance are connected to the visual arts.
ART CLUB: Check out your creative side! This after-school club is offered to students in grades 4-8, providing the opportunity to engage in many art mediums while exploring various techniques. Activities will include painting, drawing, sculpting, pastels, group projects, and more!
SAFETY PATROL: Students in grades 4-5 may apply for this special responsibility to assist in an orderly dismissal by being staged at various spots on campus and around our parking lot. Under the supervision of their advisor, they work diligently as ambassadors of our safety rules.
ODYSSEY OF THE MIND: Are you looking to challenge yourself in problem-solving and creativity ? This club, open to all grade levels, utilizes teamwork to develop creative solutions to a predefined problem. Those solutions are then presented in an area spring competition with other schools’ teams.
STEM CLUB (6-8): Choose between our 6-8 girls club with a focus on STEAM careers or our coed STEM Club. Create and innovate together!
STUDENT GOVERNMENT ACTIVITIES – Associated Student Body (ASB): The mission of our ASB program is to promote and support leadership development through orchestrating and implementing a comprehensive student activities program. Our school program participates in the California Activities Directors Association (CADA) organization, which includes providing students with opportunities to develop their skills as student body participants plan and execute various activities throughout the year.
MISTLETOE STUDENT LEADERSHIP (WEB): WEB (where everyone belongs) is a 6th grade transition program facilitated by 8th grade student leaders. The WEB Leaders receive training in team building activities, cooperative skill development, and discussion skills. They serve as motivators and role models while helping to create a sense of comfort in the transition to middle school. The WEB program also develops and conducts our trimester character assemblies, and engages in community service activities. Mistletoe’s students leaders have been formally recognized by local public agencies and organizations for their commitment to community service.